Gucci, Black leather indy bag. The item is in good condition with signs of wear on the hardware. Interior is in very good condition. Comes with dustbag.
Chanel, GST caviar tote in white. The item has wear on the corners and edges of the bag. The item comes with dustbag and serial sticker. Interior also has a few stains and user signs.
Christian Louboutin, Very prive peep toe pump in python leather. The item is in very good condition. Small wear on one of the heels. Comes with dustbag,
Chanel, Medium reissue in black. The item is in good condition. Bottom has some crinkles from folding, sides of the bag as well. Serial sticker inside the bag.
Chanel, Grand shopper in black lambskin leather. The gold in the chain has a little discoloration further the item is in very good vintage condition.
Item comes without card and serial.